Diabetic Pressure Ulcer Treatment Methods and Maggot Therapy - Review


Keywords: Pressure ulcer, diabetic ulcer, wound therapy, public health, quality of life.

Abstract: Pressure ulcers are areas of regional tissue necrosis that develop as a result of long-term pressure on soft tissue between the bone structure and the outer surface [1], [2], [3]. The most common areas for pressure ulcers are the skin surfaces on the bone protrusions, sacrum, tuber ischiadicum, trochanter major, heels and lateral malleols [4]. Pressure sores are important health problems that cause an increase in health care institution costs, an increase in the amount of care allocated to the patient, a negative psychosocial effect on the patient, a prolonged hospital stay and a negative impact on the economy of the country. Approximately 18% of hospitalized patients are thought to have pressure ulcers [5]. While 10% of pressure sores occur in mobilized patients, 53% develop in bed-care patients and 37% develop in wheelchair users [6]. The cost of pressure wound treatment per patient was between $20,900 and $151,700 in 2011, with an annual cost of around $11 billion in the USA [7], [8]. Between 2003 and 2008, pressure ulcers were the direct cause of death for 4708 people in the UK, with an average cost of care of £2 billion [9], [10]. Every year, 2.5 million people are diagnosed with pressure ulcer wounds in Turkey.The cost of pressure ulcer sores in Turkey is calculated to be $ 11.5 billion in 2011 (Turquoise Standards). These costs are made with special calculation engines [11]. Considering the cost of medication, antibiotherapy, surgical intervention, a bed, a room, physician consultation, nursing care, andlaboratory expenses, it is of great importance to rapidly and economically improve and prevent such wounds that adversely affect both patients and the state economy. In this study, the stages of compression ulcers are examined and current treatment methods are summarized. The advantages and disadvantages of maggot therapy, which is a very effective treatment method in the treatment of pressure ulcers, were evaluated and information was given regarding the wound dressing loaded with maggot larvae, which provides a more economical and simple treatment against pressure ulcers developed by the author and his team.

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