Inclination Angle Influence on Cavitating Marine Propeller

Şakir Bal

Keywords: Marine Propeller, Cavitation, Inclination Angle, Lifting Surface Method

Abstract: In this study, the effects of inclination shaft angle on the hydrodynamic performance of cavitating marine propellers are investigated by a numerical method developed before. The cavitaitng blades are represented by source and vortex elements. The cavity characteristics such as; cavitation form, cavity volume, cavity length etc. of blades are computed at a given cavitation number and a fixed advance coefficient. A lifting surface method is applied for these calculations. Numerical lifting surface method is validated with experimental results of DTMB 4119 model benchmark propeller. The effects of inclination shaft angle on thrust, torque coefficients and efficiency values of the propeller are examined by a parametric study. By changing the inclination angles of propeller, the thrust, torque and efficiency are computed and compared with each other. The influence of inclination shaft angle on cavity patterns on the blades are also discussed.

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